Our Parishes and their Communities

Hobkirk & Southdean Parish covers the villages of Bonchester Bridge and Chesters. 

  • Bonchester Bridge is the main settlement in the ancient parish of Hobkirk, lying on the Rule Water, 6 miles south-east from Hawick.  Social life is centred around the William Laidlaw Hall and the Horse & Hound inn. The community has a population of some 660 including outlying farms and hamlets. The church is situated at Hobkirk, about ¾ of a mile north of Bonchester Bridge, adjacent to the old primary school.
  • Chesters is a small hamlet at the centre of the parish of Southdean. Central to the community is Southdean Hall which provides a welcoming space for local residents. (https://southdeanhall.org)

The church is situated on the outskirts of the settlement.



Ruberslaw Parish covers the villages of Denholm, Minto and Bedrule and the surrounding areas, with a church in each village.

  • Bedrule is a hamlet in the scenic farming community of the Rule valley. Apart from a row of cottages and a farm, it has a village Hall a short distance from the church which sits on the shadow of Ruberslaw, the main geographical feature of the area.   
  • Denholm is the biggest village with a population of around 600, situated on the A698 between Hawick and Jedburgh. (www.denholmvillage.co.uk) Denholm Church and Hall are situated in the heart of the village, adjacent to the village Green.  The village is well serviced with a village shop/post office, butchers, hairdresser, garage and a range of hospitality venues. There is a modern primary school and secondary pupils mainly attend a new school in Jedburgh. It is a vibrant community with a variety of activities for all ages.
  • Minto is a planned village dating from the 1830s, originally designed by W H Playfair. (www.mintovillage.org)  It is a picturesque village with a number of new houses in addition to the row of cottages and houses within Minto estate.  The village has few amenities, but being only a mile from Denholm is seen as an attractive place to live. There is an 18-hole golf course on the edge of the village.   


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