Ruberslaw congregation has several teams to oversee specific aspects of church life. Each team meets separately but reports to the Kirk Session.
Administration Team
Convenor: Laura Millar
Hall Calendar: Cath Douglas
Hall Bookings: Helen Howden & Rev Rachel Wilson
Kirk Session Notice Board: Cath Douglas
Church Life Notice Board: Mhairi Mitchell
Church Notice Boards/Shop: Dorothy Douglas & Helen Howden
General: Laura Millar
Rotas: Laura Millar (Duty Rotas), Helen Howden (Flowers), Cath Douglas (Coffee)
Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Annie Shanks
Service Streaming: Graeme Wilson, Helen Howden
Buildings and Property Team
Convenor: Doreen Biggar
Members: Alison Beveridge, Gordon Beveridge, Vicki Oswald, Scott Tait, Graeme Wilson, Rev Rachel Wilson
Remit: Care of all aspects of care for church buildings and The Manse, including Health & Safety.
Community and Outreach Team
Convenor: Rev Rachel Wilson
Members: Leaders of all Community & Outreach Projects
Remit: Development of Community and Outreach Projects. This team does not have routine meetings; each leader is under the support and supervision of the Convenor.
Joint Communication Team (Hobkirk & Southdean and Ruberslaw)
Convenor: Nancy Smith
Members: Fraser Baton, Janet Griffiths, Christine Rodger, Scott Tait, Graeme Wilson, Rev Rachel Wilson
Remit: All aspects of communication with the wider community via Newsletters, Cards, Webiste and social media.
Ways and Means Team
Convenor: Christine Rodger
Members: Shirley Passmore, Annie Shanks, Wendy McLean, Maureen King, Alison Beveridge, Janice Palmer, Laura Millar, Rev Rachel Wilson
Remit: All aspects of finance, grant applications and fundraising.
Growing in Faith Team
Convener: Rev Rachel Wilson
Ad hoc group to explore different ways of worshiping and developing our faith. Meetings are arranged periodically throughout the year and open to anyone to attend.
Worship Leaders Team
Convenor: Cath Douglas
Members: Alison Henderson, Christine Rodger, Helen Howden, Mhairi Mitchell, Nancy Smith
- To prepare a bank of services which can be adapted and updated as the need to be deliver these arises
- To take the lead in provision of ‘Sunday Café.’ Four times a year.
- Supplement Pulpit Supply when the minister is not available.
- Contribute to Sunday worship on an ad hoc basis (prayers / short reflections) to provide support to the minister.
The group is a presbytery resource with trained members operating as a working party supportive of not only our own Minister but of other charges locally. Group members have undergone training by the former Jedburgh Presbytery and are now permitted to design and lead worship not only in Hobkirk/Southdean with Ruberslaw Parishes but also within the wider Presbytery area. The group works with the support and supervision of the parish minister and when the group works autonomously to the minister then information is always shared.