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The Church of Scotland
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We are a group of rural communities located either side of the iconic Ruberslaw Hill in the Scottish Borders, brought together under the care of our minister Reverend Rachel Wilson. Our aims are:
• To be inclusive congregations, open and welcoming to all.
• To share the love of Jesus Christ through our worship and work in our communities.
• To help and support people in developing their own relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
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There is usually a Sunday Service in each parish at either 9.30am or 11.15am. The timing alternates between parishes every four months in order to share out the ‘early starts’.
Hobkirk and Southdean services are normally held in Hobkirk church with the occasional special service in Southdean.
Ruberslaw services rotate around the church buildings of Bedrule, Denholm and Minto.
Please see the Calendar of Services below. Occasionally there are changes to the calendar which are publicised here and on our Facebook page as well as in the Hawick Paper and on church noticeboards.
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Ruberslaw~Denholm Church
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The Turnbull Window: Ruberslaw~Bedrule Church
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