Ruberslaw Country Parishes 

    Church of Scotland

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Ruberslaw Country Parishes is registered as a Scottish Charity who does not receive any government support.


  • Collection taken during a Church Service open plate or envelopes– cash or cheque
  • Standing Order through the Bank – Monthly, Quarterly or Annually
  • Gift Aid
  • A Gift in Your Will
  • Fund Raising

The Gift Aid Scheme increases the giving by 25p with no minimum or specific donation.  The person making the donation must pay UK Income or Capital Gains Tax equal to at least the amount of tax being reclaimed.

A Gift in Your Will supports the work of the local Church and it is exempt from Inheritance Tax.

Fund Raising events take place throughout the year and are a great way of not only raising funds but having fellowship and fun with like minded folks.

In a typical year our income is about £28,000 plus £5,000 Gift Aid Income.

If you would like to contribute directly to Ruberslaw Country Parishes the Bank Details are: Bank of Scotland, Sort Code 801622 Account 00479327.

If you would like Freewill Offering Envelopes or have any other queries regarding finance please contact Christine Rodger, Treasurer on



Giving to Grow contributions, based on our income from previous financial years goes to a central fund from which all Ministers receive their salary and supports the wider work of the church.

Our typical total expenditure is £30,000.

Time and TalentsCharitable Support

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